Lord, I know that you are trying to speak to me.
That you want me to understand prophesy.
You’re deepening the lesson on perseverance;
Teaching me that obedience is a form of adherence.
Lord, I know that you have a plan for me.
I know that it’s one small part of history.
So, I’ve been looking deep into your spirit
to find my life’s purpose and step into it.
Lord, one of your end-goals is maturity.
Purposely, good and bad experiences are teaching me
I've learned that if I want your wisdom I must participate.
I acknowledge my daily life is filled with spiritual lessons that carry weight.
I acknowledge my daily life is filled with spiritual lessons that carry weight.
You allow my human mind to find expansiveness
Space large enough to dream and enjoy happen-stance.
As these sentences form tempo and elegance
I linger over them and sense your presence
I realize the passage of time is simply a path
That leads me to a great worth and value that lasts
It’s incredible that I’m living inside eternity
Even though my being is physical and earthly
You’ve given just enough time on this journey to take me
down the path that offer's a glimpse into life’s mysteries.
I’ll follow you till I have full understanding
to a point where my heart and mind are not lacking anything
And THEN I’ll know all of YOU,
“Now we see only a reflection
as in a mirror;
then we will see face to face.
Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully
Even as I am fully known.”
1 Corinthians 13:12 NIV
The More I Seek You
By : Kari Jobe
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