"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God." I Peter 4: 10-11

Dear Reader- This Blog started in February of 2011 and the pages are numbered. Please begin reading on Page One and continue from there. As you move down the path of the pages it is my hope that scripture astounds you and God, Himself, is revealed.

Scripture confirms that if you acknowledge God as God and draw close to His truths He will draw close to you! As you get to know God through scripture you will begin to see Him work in your life AND hear Him speak to your heart. It is not an audible voice but an inner one-that will change your life on earth...and beyond!

To walk a little deeper each page has a song recommendation that deepens the spiritual lesson. Each song has been specifically chosen and holds a message that should not be missed. If there is not a link to the song on the page, it is recommended that you use iTunes, YouTube or another source to download these songs so that you can move deeper into spiritual truths that the song writers and musicians have creatively written about- for your blessing and God's glory!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

One In An Entire Crowd: PAGE 128

“We act like pagans in a crisis—
only one out of an entire crowd
is daring enough to invest his faith 
in the character of God.” 1

I read this quote and stopped in my tracks. Reflecting on my past experiences with faith and character, I was convicted that the quote is true. I’ve certainly acted like a pagan when going through a crisis. Have you? I began wondering why I would fall prey to this particular trap? Why would I falter in such a way when I know the Lord God, Almighty and what He is capable of. 

If we believe in God then that in itself implies that we believe in the supernatural and all the other-worldliness Yahweh breathes life into. Why would I not be that One in the crowd that is daring and courageous enough to literally trust in, count on and stake my life on God to attend to me; my deepest concerns, my greatest needs, my long-lost hopes and even my biggest dreams.  

I want to be that Daring One. The girl that stands up and stands firm; The One in the crowd that speaks out for truth and faces down the giant and the lies spoken over us. Lies that entangle us in fear, mischief, confusion and the like. Oh, those tangled webs. 

If each of us would make this sharp decision to be that One in the crowd that cries out “Enough”; that one that cannot help but point out injustice and manipulation.... and in doing so inspires others to do the same, then there would be many a daring soul ready to rise and overcome evil with TRUTH.  Not just One in the entire crowd but many!

“Lord, Make it so!”

This is a Move
BY: Brandon Lake & Tasha Cobbs

1- My Utmost for His Highest; Page dated May 30th

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Lineage of Christ (Reposted): Page 127

It’s Christmas time!  Literally, the World celebrates!  Here, at home, we decorate; we host festivals and enjoy festivities.  It’s a time for family!  We give gifts; we go to church.  We sometimes find peace-but many times we just feel pressure!  We unbox decor, purchase and write greeting cards, place gift orders, move through shops and crowds.  We’re living in the season and it’s meant to be a time of joy and holiness… but we bump into an unspoken emptiness; seeking good cheer- we press on!

Humanity can sense the deep meaning of the season but with the passing of time we forget!  We forget that this time of year is steeped in ancient traditions and beliefs!  We forget that this holy time is derived from ancient writings of the ancient Jewish faith that birthed prophesy whispering about a coming Savior!  Here is just one of those prophesies:

“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace
There will be no end!
He will reign on David’s throne
And over his kingdom,
Establishing and upholding it
With justice an righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
Will accomplish this.”
Isaiah 9: 6-7

This was written about 700 BC!
Two thousand Seven-hundred and Seventeen years ago!

Our modern-time Christmas season has been “accomplished” and firmly established by The Lord, Almighty! Remembering this brings holiness back to our December!

The genealogy of Adam is listed in Genesis 5.  As a child I wondered why this was so important.  Now, I understand that it graciously has to do with verifying prophesy and being able to look back through History and find truth; to find God! 

The genealogies of Israel are listed in 1st Chronicles 1:1 all the way through to 1st Chronicles Chapter 8.  The first verse of 1st Chronicles 9:1 says this:

“All Israel was listed in the genealogies
 recorded in the book of the kings of Israel.”

The genealogy continues in Chapter 9!  On and on it goes, leading us ...leading us…leading us to Truth; To Christ! Does this interest you during the Christmas season?  I pray it does!!

Let’s move from 700 BC  to approximately A.D. 60 or so (that’s 760 years)! In the very first book of the New Testament, Matthew Chapter One gives the Genealogy of Jesus- beginning with Abraham and moving through to King David - which is important because of the scripture, above, in Isaiah 9!  The genealogy continues all the way through to the lineage of….

“Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary,
of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.”
Matthew 1:16

Let’s remember that God has stretched His Hand through human History to bring us this Christmas Season!  Our modern Christmas was carved and etched out through centuries of time, through the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people, through literal Kings, God’s prophets, scribes, and historians! We have all of this knowledge due to the meticulous  census-keeping of people from time-past and from our God, who made it so!  Interestingly, the reason Mary and Joseph were traveling and Jesus was born in a stable was due to a mandatory government census that was taking place: 

“In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree
 that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.
And everyone went to his own town to register.
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee
to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David,
because he belonged to the house and line of David.
He went there to register with Mary,
 who was pledged to be married to him
and was expecting a child.
While they were there,
The time came for the baby to be born,
And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.
She wrapped him in cloths and
placed him in a manger,
Because there was no room for them in the inn.”
Luke 2: 1-7

The AWE of these details is what makes our Christmas season so holy! It’s what God has accomplished through the workings of fallible man that is breath-taking.  History has worked its way to December 2018 and still man rejoices over the birth of Jesus.  The Christ-child took His first breath then exhaled and an entire new way of life was birthed!  Let’s remember the reason for the season- for it ushers into the history books Jesus’ birth!  But, Jesus’ birth also culminates the story of life on earth and proclaims the return of God’s kingdom, as written about in Revelations Chapter 22 (the last chapter in the Bible):

Behold I am coming soon!
Blessed is he who keeps the words of prophecy in this book.”
Verse 7

“Behold, I am coming soon!
My reward is with me and I will give to everyone
 according to what he has done.
 I am the Alpha and the Omega,
 the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
Verses 12-13

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.
  I am the Root and the Offspring of David,
and the bright Morning Star.”
Verse 16

Song Recommendation:
Mary Did You Know
By:  Danny Gokey


Thursday, October 12, 2023

A Falling Out of Hope: PAGE 126

Elpis implies that something is going to happen, 
and the subject is anticipating it with confidence.
Google Search

In the original Greek language, the definition of hope is not simply wishful thinking, as we utilize it here in the U.S., but a faithful stance that believes something good is on its way. There is a huge difference between the two. You see, hope is a faithful expectation that anticipates God’s goodness and recognizes, through spiritual eyes, that He is working things out for our good. Wishful thinking is a stance that is uncertain and somewhat apathetic. I believe many of us have the latter view of hope and therefore do not fully understand certain scriptures and the whispers of godly anticipation they quietly pour into our lives.

All this said, I want to share about a time I was struggling through what I can now describe as ‘A Falling out of Hope’. For you to follow along I have to take you back a bit. You see, for years I had a skip in my step and an unwitting grasp on the true meaning of hope. My heart was light and therefore my attitude was right and I’d wake up each day with a faithful expectation that asked, “What’s going on today, Lord?” With this mindset, my life had a hope that was experiential and I enjoyed the daily happenings that would move to, and through me. I was living inside the gift of hope, and its joyful cadence.

But, as life often does, something changed. There was a gradual shift that slowly drained the hope right out of me. Over time my outlook diminished and I began to ask a different question. Honestly, it is hard to be this transparent; however, my goal is to share my spiritual lessons through these writings, so I’ll say that my unexpected query became, “Lord, when are you coming back because I don’t wanna live like this anymore.” Looking back, that question is somewhat shocking, even to me. And, I know it sounds fatalistic but let me clarify; I wasn’t having an emotional breakdown ... but a spiritual one. I couldn’t pin-point what I was lacking...but one day I heard a teaching on the definition of Hope, using the original language of scripture, and it opened my heart and ushered in the ability to find my personal hope again. 

You see, when we believe hope is about an outlook that is based on positive thinking and we build our lives on that form of optimism, any change in our lifestyle or state-of-mind can diminish hope’s effect on our lives. This is what happened to me. Not until I learned the actual meaning of hope did I recognize that I could, indeed, find hope again by aligning myself to its true meaning.

Hope is a promise that God is up to something good in our lives. Hope is not wishful thinking but a firm and faithful stance inside our mind. When we can lift our heads and literally look out, beyond our circumstances, and choose to stand on the foundation of the original meaning of Hope...this shift in thinking becomes foundational. We then have the knowledge and resolve to set the course of our day through faith that believes that God is actively up to something good, and, no matter what, we will have the ability to station ourselves in a position of faithful optimism. Not because of circumstance but because of God’s goodness and because of our faith in God’s faithfulness. It’s a beautiful weaving of a belief system that changes our hearts and minds. Believe me, this shift in thinking is healing. 

When we are mentally standing on the fact or, drum roll please, hope that God sees, knows and is actively meeting our needs, then we have found true Hope. It’s hard to switch gears and see hope for what it really is because it is a mental modification of old belief systems that must take place, but, we can liken it to a light switch on a wall. We can flip it on by a quick change of our minds. 

Listen, we will expend the same amount of energy sitting inside the thoughts that worry us as we will if we switch over to the belief that God is who He says He is and does what He says He will do. He is the foundation of our Hope. He is creating and expending and weaving inside our minds the true emotion of faithful expectation that solidifies the belief system that allows us to expect good things are flowing our way. It is present-tense and active. 

Remaining in the current movement of thought, the point of this writing is to help us both return the Biblical definition of Hope. To repeat myself, once we know what Hope is we can understand how to find it again. Remember, Hope is the faithful expectation that God is up to something good; and it is presently on its way. I pray you can toggle over to the fact that God is working in your life and something good is on its way to you this very moment. Use your faithful expectation; feel it, see it, believe it, receive it. Hope it ... because God's Word is trustworthy and true!

"O Lord, you alone are my hope.
I've trusted you since childhood."
Psalm 39:7

"The hopes of the godly result in happiness,
but the expectations of the wicked come to nothing."
Proverbs 10:28

"Rejoice in our confident hope.
Be patient in trouble,
and keep on praying."
Romans 12:12

"Faith shows the reality 
of what we hope for;
it is the evidence
of things we cannot see."
Hebrews 11:1 NLT

Footnotes for Hebrews 11:1 in NLT
"We have faith in God to do what he has promised, 
and we can be absolutely sure that he will.  
So our hopes are not idle hopes, 
but they are built on the solid foundation
of his trustworthiness."

BY: Red Rocks Worship

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Only God: PAGE 125

.... “Not by might nor by power,
but by my Spirit,’
says the LORD Almighty.”

Over-thinking can render us exhausted.  We can use our mental power to summons all our tenacity and might hoping to overcome certain situations. Our plan: to fix it, outwit it or out-maneuver it. Yet we end up empty-handed and dumb-founded, realizing we have expended our hopes and dreams and used every human resource yet found neither a productive path nor a beneficial outcome. I’ve spent years doing this.  Literally years.  

When we set out to set things straight we usually have our own agenda; we know what needs to be done and we’re on it.  We believe we can conquer it so we gear up. We believe we can master it so we educate ourselves.  We believe we have the mental and even physical agility to get the job done so we push and challenge our capacities just to prove we’re self-reliant. Our heart is in it; we’re deeply invested. Unfortunately, there are real limits to human abilities and that which we deem do-able with our own power and might just is not. 

Here we are, at the end of ourselves! We knew we were struggling but we refused to expose weaknesses so we hid behind the barrier of isolation filled with regret, embarrassment, shame, and heart-brokenness.  Oh, the pride that refuses to reveal a weakness. It’s interesting, but being unwilling to reveal a weakness is in itself a weakness. Yet with a stealth agenda, we set out to prove our capabilities and, therefore, our worth using our wit to accomplish what only God can do. 

Sooner or later we see the writing on the wall. Exhausted we drop our weary hands and re-think it.  Winded we use our breath to pray and now we’re getting somewhere.  There is a thought-provoking scripture that says, “How long will you waver between two opinions?” 1 Kings 18:21. We can either continue to press using our opinions, thought processes and man-power or stop and confess that we need to choose another way. Perhaps we need another opinion.  

I am living proof that at times, we get in our own way. There is another way! In whatever state we find ourselves, whether it is disillusionment or sheer exasperation, we must let go and let God. If we don’t, we may never find the answer we seek.  With our own power we can beat our heads against walls or simply  wish on shooting stars. Still another path is to have hope against hope that thing will change, our answer will come, our dreams will be realized. But, until we come to the place on our journey where we know there is not one more inch of dirt to step out on, not one more physical thing we can do..... until then, we won’t recognize that we need the Holy Spirit to empower us with strength we do not have and do that which we cannot do. Until then, we will continue to generate the same ole results; Our vision will be limited, our faith will turn cold and even the personal tenacity that once inspired us will be ground out. It’s time to step into the spiritual. 

Let’s go back to the scripture at the top of the page and use it as a prayer;

“Lord God, I cannot do this with my personal tenacity and might.
I cannot outwit this with my own power or sheer will.
I need an influx of understanding that is beyond me.
May your Spirit be my catalyst.
May my life and my deepest concern
Be attended to by your Spirit, O Lord.
Fill me with your knowledge.
Lead me in Your ways.
Open my mind to your wisdom
And strengthen me in my inmost being
That I may know that you have rescued me this very day.”

Don’t wait till you’re on the edge of a metaphorical cliff that is disintegrating into an abyss.  Let’s just take this one moment to admit that some things are beyond us.  This one thing of which I write about is beyond me.  That one thing that you’re deeply concerned about-it’s beyond you.  Let’s now seek the Spirit of God to attend to us right now, in this moment. Our faith makes this possible and His power makes it so!

We have the choice to stubbornly hold to our current course or we change the premise of our plan from the physically complex to the spiritually omnipotent, tapping into God's unlimited power, with one quick change of the mind; “Not by might, not by power but by your Spirit Lord.” 

Your Spirit
By: Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Signs and Wonders PAGE 124

“It is through my union with Jesus Christ
that I enjoy an enthusiasm and confidence
in my ministry for God.
And I will not be presumptuous to speak of anything
except what Christ has accomplished through me.

For many non-Jewish people are coming into faith’s obedience
by the power of the Spirit of God,
which is displayed through mighty signs and amazing wonders,
both in word and deed.”
Romans 15:17-18

The scripture above, tells us that the Power of the Spirit of God is displayed through signs and wonders, by word and deed. With earth spinning in its current state, we wonder if God actually shows up in such bold ways.  To find out, we can choose to look at life from the perspective of watching for God’s signs and wonders. The more we do this the more we will see what God can do.

The Holy Spirit shows up in our lives in many ways.  When I receive a confirmation regarding big or small things in life, my first instinct is to notice it quickly and then thank the Lord for it. Confirmations are a gift from the Holy Spirit. He is saying, “I am with you.”  When I bump into things that seem ironic, I instantly understand that it was not irony but alignment created by the Living God showing up in specific ways to guide me.  I receive it for what it is; the presence of the Holy Spirit once again saying, “I am with you”.  

Signs are indicators.  There lead us.  Wonders can be things that give us pause or things that ask us to stand in awe.  God can be found inside these types of scenarios.  It is an amazing time in life when we begin to see God Almighty draw close to us in this way.  It can be a small blessing, an encouragement, an answered prayer, a moment of peace, a piece of clarity, a joyful ah-ha moment, a huge display of favor, or a small but new understanding.  Within these types of things, God’s friendship begins to grow within us and we know that we are cared for in a profound way.  

Here is my recent example: the other day I had listened to an interview regarding end- times prophesy and the speaker spoke of the ‘falling away’ that is referenced in scripture, regarding people leaving their faith behind during end-times.  This concerned me.  I was trying to understand how or why this would happen. Within just a few minutes a good friend texted me a scripture that said,

 “Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away
and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence
without a single fault.”
Jude 1:23 NLT 

To tell you the truth, I was shocked. This was a sign and wonder. This one scripture instantly told me that God, Himself, was going to attend to me and that I would be found without one single fault.  For a girl who struggles with fears, I was so surprised how quickly my query was answered through the deed of my sweet friend, who just happened upon that scripture and decided to send it to me. She didn’t have a sign that her text would usher an ah-ha moment into my day and clear up a huge doubt, but it certainly did.  It was a spiritual moment, a God thing; a sign and a wonder. 

It is such a gift to be close to God in Spirit and in truth.  When we make it a point to seek spiritual things we cannot help but find them.  May this encourage you to open your heart and mind to God’s signs and wonders.  In doing so you will be assured and comforted, blessed and loved in a way that you’ve never experienced before.  

Song Recommendation:
So Will I
By: Hillsong United


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Prayer is Relational: PAGE 123

I heard somewhere that “Truths never experienced are just theory.” This is an incredible way to weigh our faith in God.  It begs the question, Have you ever seen the truth of God’s Word work within your prayer life? What do you believe about God’s ways?  Do you actually believe you can experience the reality of God or do you just live inside the theory of God and only attribute a token reverence to His sovereign abilities.  

Here are a few truths that seem obvious, but aren’t; ‘You will never see if you are not looking’ and ‘You will not look if you’re not interested’.  Also, ‘You won’t hear if you’re not listening’ and ‘You won’t listen if you’re not engaged’. Curiosity inspires. I receive answers to my prayers because I am looking for the answers to my prayers by engaging with God.  I do this in many ways; by remembering what I prayed, by trusting that God shows up and wants to give me answers. By believing God specifically and especially cares for me. By recalling scripture that states that God is a good Father who wants to give me good things.  These are promises found in the Bible and are not just theories. 

If wanted, how do we put this to the test?  By praying over something specific...then confessing our trust in God by affirming our belief that God cares. Then, with conviction, stand on the promises found in the Bible-meaning count them as Truth. Purposely lean in and count on our heavenly Father to attend to us as an earthly father would care for his child.  It’s familiar and familial; the same steps we take when we are counting on a family member to be there for us, supporting our hopes, needs and requests. It is relational. 

Understanding how to receive answers to prayer includes activating profound truths that are faith-based.  Perhaps, like me, you have been uttering prayers since childhood...or maybe you’re new to prayer life. Either way, now is the time to begin having two-way conversations with the Lord. He wants us to pray to Him and He wants to answer. To hear Him we must be bold enough to ask and receptive to the peace that comes from being heard. Knowing we've been heard changes everything. Answers flow from there! Activate your faith; engage! Remember, it's relational!

“Let us therefore come boldly
Unto the throne of grace,
That we may obtain mercy,
And find grace to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4;16 KJV

“Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God
and the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding
will guard your hearts and your minds
In Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4: 6-7

“Call to me and I will answer you
And tell you great and unsearchable things
You do not know.”

Jeremiah 33:3

By:  Red Rocks Worship

Friday, May 5, 2023

I AM: PAGE 122

“God said to Moses,
This is what you are to say 
To the Israelites:
‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

The above scripture is flooring.  When God responded to Moses’ question regarding the authority by which Moses was to go before the Children of Israel, and prepare them for freedom from captivity, Moses was told to tell them he was sent by the authority of I AM. What an interesting name! It’s as if THIS name stands, without saying; and needs no other quantifiers.  Within those two words we understand that there is an infinite quality (or unique qualifier) about God that shall not be questioned.  

Let’s learn more about I AM. With amazement, the following scriptures were written over 600 years apart by two different men. In them we get a description of God: 

I kept looking 
Until the thrones were set up,
And the Ancient of Days took His seat;
His vesture was like white snow
And the hair of His head like pure wool.
His throne was ablaze with flames,
Its wheels were a burning fire.”

Daniel 7:9
Written approximately 536 BC

“His head and His hair were white 
like white wool, like snow; 
and His eyes were like a flame of fire.
His feet were like burnished bronze,
when it has been made to glow in a furnace,
And His voice was like the sound of many waters.”

Revelation 1:14-15
Written approximately AD 95

Within these scriptures we find another name for God; “Ancient of Days”.  If you think about it, this name is also descriptive. I find that eternally fascinating. Also, we’re told that God’s voice sounds like the natural movement of many waters.  Think about the powerful images of a breath-taking waterfall or a fast-moving mountainous stream ..... or the roar of the ocean as the waves crash in.  Envision it if you must..... THEN make sure you think of God.  Lean in, with spiritual eyes and ears, and imagine the voice of God speaking to you within those sounds. For those looking and listening, God uses scripture and nature and says, "I AM relatable; here I AM." His voice beckons us all and says, “I AM ancient. I AM Powerful. I AM ever-flowing. I AM eternally strong. I AM part of nature, I AM WHO I AM; listen up.”

Let’s recognize that God is speaking to us through all of creation and His voice is as silent as a full moon rising and as alluring as rushing water.  Listen with the intent of hearing and you will not be disappointed.  

“The heavens declare the glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
Their words to the ends of the world.” 

Psalm 19: 1-4

Song Recommendation:
Sovereign Hands
BY:  Hillsong United