As the preacher Steven Furtick preaches, in the video link
below, “Failure is not the end….it is the
hinge that the door swings on to open wide to the grace of God. Let’s see this type of grace in full
swing using the scripture below!
The Angel of the lord
“But go, tell his disciples and
‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee.
There you will see him, just as he told you.’ “
Mark 16:7
An Angel from the spiritual realm revealed that Jesus Christ had risen. That message alone was astounding but why did the
Angel choose to specifically call out Peter? I'll go ahead and point out that
it was out of sheer grace that Peter
was specifically mentioned! Peter is being
shown historic compassion and forgiveness; Peter was being shown undeserved
mercy- delivered by an Angel, no less! Here is the passage:
“Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise,
they (the ladies) were on their
way to the tomb and they asked each other,
“Who will roll the stone away from
the entrance of the tomb?”
But when they looked up, they
saw that the stone,
which was very large, had been rolled away.
As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe
sitting on the right side, and
they were alarmed.
Don’t be alarmed, “ he said.
“You are looking for Jesus the
Nazarene, who was crucified.
He has risen! He is not here.
See the place where they laid him.
But go, tell his disciples and Peter,
‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee.
There you will see him, just as
he told you.’ ”
Mark 16: 2-7
The directive from the Angel was “But go, tell his disciples and Peter…” To recognize the importance of this amazing
statement…let’s exchange Peter’s name for our own:
“But go, tell all believers…. and Rebecca!”
Something supernatural and timeless happened and within the hierarchy of God's plan Peter was mentioned by name! Peter had publicly denied he ever knew Jesus! At times, just like
Peter, I’ve acted as if I don’t know Him either.
But with this same historic grace, my heavenly Father will reach out to me, with angelic words, and draw me back to his friendship and familial fellowship (just like He did with Peter)!
His compassion for me isn’t documented on
ancient scrolls, but it’s documented in my daily life- in my
heart-of-hearts and in my eternal soul; that very soul that needs compassion during my times
of historic failure!!! It’s documented here in on
this page-for all to see.
God will do the very same for you! He will send you a message from
messenger! I am that very messenger!
The Lord wants me to tell you of his loving forgiveness. He forgives our sins and forgives... and
forgives... till that forgiveness is comprehended as LOVE. He loves us with a love that surpasses
understanding. Neither you nor I can ever earn His love for it is always freely given….especially in our brokenness and loss, in our devastation and pain…and in our flat-out failures! No matter what circumstances you find yourself....the door of God's grace and mercy is opened wide....just walk on in!!!
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;
do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:18-19
Song Recommendation:
How Great Thou Art
BY: Carrie Underwood
Video Message In link below
By: Steven Furtick
Your Failure Isn’t Final!
(5 minutes-& worth every minute)