"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God." I Peter 4: 10-11

Dear Reader- This Blog started in February of 2011 and the pages are numbered. Please begin reading on Page One and continue from there. As you move down the path of the pages it is my hope that scripture astounds you and God, Himself, is revealed.

Scripture confirms that if you acknowledge God as God and draw close to His truths He will draw close to you! As you get to know God through scripture you will begin to see Him work in your life AND hear Him speak to your heart. It is not an audible voice but an inner one-that will change your life on earth...and beyond!

To walk a little deeper each page has a song recommendation that deepens the spiritual lesson. Each song has been specifically chosen and holds a message that should not be missed. If there is not a link to the song on the page, it is recommended that you use iTunes, YouTube or another source to download these songs so that you can move deeper into spiritual truths that the song writers and musicians have creatively written about- for your blessing and God's glory!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Hard to Live Out! Page 58

Here is something I learned recently:  It’s easy to write and/or talk about our belief system, what our faith provides for us, what God’s forgiveness means to us, what God’s grace can do for us and who we believe we are in Christ…. But, in this fallen world, it isn’t that easy to live it out. 

I would hope that with the many years of learning about my faith and growing in God’s word that I would have mastered a few things and perhaps I have; however, in recent weeks I’ve discovered that one mistake can make you question many things regarding your parenting, your ability to see truth, your ability to be a light in this dark world, your ability to wait patiently, your ability to walk in faith, your ability to speak up, rise up, to trust, endure, persevere, to forgive-others and/or yourself.

Here is where I am coming from:  With parental love I watched as my child was disregarded, harassed and slighted for over a year!  Her inner-strength was impressive but I could barely take it.  I cried out for God’s help.  I stood silently and waited till I could not wait any longer and suddenly salt water flowed from my mouth till it my words were red, like blood.  Sitting in the after-math I longed for a guard for my mouth but it was too late.  To be honest, what I said needed to be said but my method was wrong.  This mistake didn’t seem rectifiable.  With passion for my child, I thought I was standing on righteousness (and in my heart I truly was)…. but self-righteousness never pays off and the pride of that can easily grind on your heart till it’s raw with anger.  Pain is the one thing you surely get when your fleshly heart is hurt and your anger exposed.

A close friend graciously said to me “One moment does not define you”.  That was what my soul needed to hear but it seems there are times when one single moment can make you doubt everything.  Believe me when I say THAT is a scary moment.  Just as quickly as that salt water flowed from my mouth God moved into action, as He ALWAYS does, and began working in my life through circumstances.  Literally, within one day His words were piercing my heart with purpose and truth.  Here is the 1st gracious scripture He comforted me with:

“Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many,
 are forgiven-for she loved much.
  But he who is forgiven little, loves little.”
Luke 7:47

The next lesson God taught me is this:  Secrets Manifest!  I was blown away at His on-point explanation to me.  I was unaware that the bitterness I was holding secret was going to manifest into such a mess.  What a life-lesson! It’s worth repeating; secrets manifest!  Who knew!

Scripture tells us not to let bitterness take root- for good reason (Hebrews 12:15).  But, bitterness is slow growing and finds it’s roots in the repetitiveness we allow to remain in our lives.  I had chosen to stand in the briars of bitterness and loitered there waiting for fair play to turn up, but it never did!  To be honest, I had exposed myself for too long to the root cause of my anger and I have to take responsibility for that.  (“Anyone who knows what he should do and does not do it-sins”. James 4:17)

As a mature believer I needed a wake up call and God took care of business.  He shook the ground where I stood and made me face down my bitterness and it was ugly.  Once that salty bitterness spewed out of my mouth He then said, “Repent and move on!” Repentance is one thing…. repercussions are another! I was forced out into the unknown bringing my child along with me.  This is a perfect example of how disregarding God’s Word can affect those we love the most.  Because I justified my feelings and allowed bitterness to fester the very one I was trying to stand up for was now adrift with me…but graciously God did not leave me to my own demise.  He provided scripture to mend my heart and friends to soothe my soul.  He has opened doors that offer freedom away from the familiar bitter root that I planted, nourished and paid for with my money, time and energy.   Though I felt the pain of its extraction I cherish the fact that my God cared enough to be right there when I looked up again!  As far as my child goes-she is happy and looking forward to what the future holds.  God has truly blessed her with a huge heart and tons of courage and for that I am eternally grateful!

Yes, the circumstances of my words and actions stand before me…but My God does as well!  It’s hard to say, but I’m grateful for this life lesson and the priceless wisdom it immediately ushered into my life.    If we can take those moments that seem devastating and learn from them then we’ve grown a great deal in God’s eyes.  With this hard-earned wisdom tucked into our hearts and minds we will find the courage to rise again and move on.  Indeed, scripture states that we should do so!

Scripture also says “The old is gone -the new is here!”   I can’t imagine a better phrase that graces us with restoration.  Many magnificent events have been birthed from this statement. Indeed, God’s kingdom is filled with believers who have been gifted with the understanding of these poetic and profound words.  I’m one of them!


In honor of my daughter, Ava, who's heart is as big as the sky
 and your inner beauty simply captivating. 
 I'm blessed that God has shown me the best of myself 
reflected in your soul!  God is truly Merciful!


“See to it that no one misses the grace of God
 and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”
Hebrews 12:15

“Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?
James 3: 11

“Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.”
Psalm 141:3

“But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken.  For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.”
Matthew 12: 36-37

“The righteous falls seven times and rises again.”
 Proverbs 24:16

“Yet I am writing you a new command: its truth is seen in him and you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.”
1 John 2:8

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come;
 the old has gone, the new is here.”
II Corinthians 5:17

Song Recommendation:
Not Backing Down
By:  Blanca


Song Recommedation:
How can it Be?
By:  Lauren Daigle

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