"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God." I Peter 4: 10-11

Dear Reader- This Blog started in February of 2011 and the pages are numbered. Please begin reading on Page One and continue from there. As you move down the path of the pages it is my hope that scripture astounds you and God, Himself, is revealed.

Scripture confirms that if you acknowledge God as God and draw close to His truths He will draw close to you! As you get to know God through scripture you will begin to see Him work in your life AND hear Him speak to your heart. It is not an audible voice but an inner one-that will change your life on earth...and beyond!

To walk a little deeper each page has a song recommendation that deepens the spiritual lesson. Each song has been specifically chosen and holds a message that should not be missed. If there is not a link to the song on the page, it is recommended that you use iTunes, YouTube or another source to download these songs so that you can move deeper into spiritual truths that the song writers and musicians have creatively written about- for your blessing and God's glory!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wisdom and Understanding! Page 8

“God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells, 
for he views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.”
Job 28: 23-24
To me this is beautifully written.  I can just see God looking down, with earth in full view, knowing the path to where everything dwells…knowing earth-inside and out; but what is it that this scripture is talking about?  If you go back two steps to verse 20 and begin reading from there…you will fully understand what is being poetically written about:

 “Where then does wisdom come from? 
Where does understanding dwell? 
It is hidden from the eyes of the every living thing, 
concealed even from the birds of the air.  Destruction and Death say, 
‘only a rumor of it has reached our ears’. 
Again verses 23-24
 God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells, 
for he views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.”

 Verses 25-28 
“When He established the force of the wind and measured out the waters, 
when He made a decree for the rain and a path for the thunderstorm, 
then he looked at wisdom and appraised it; he confirmed it and tested it.  
And he said to man, ‘The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom
and to shun evil is understanding”.
Job 28: 20-28
In the scripture above we learn that God is the source of wisdom and understanding and that at some point, while He was setting paths for thunderstorms and decrees for the rain –He made note of wisdom.  He went even further by appraising, confirming and testing it.  How many times in our lives do we appraise, confirm and test something.  You can bet that when we do…it is important.  This is important. 

Scripture even states here that he verbally spoke to man and said “The fear of the Lord THAT is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding".  Now, He is not speaking of a basic understanding….as in “oh, yes…I understand”.  I believe this is talking about a deep, spiritual agreement-an accord with one’s self, and God, to shun sinful, evil things.  God has given us a directive to respect the Lord and to shun evil.  By practicing this we put wisdom and understanding into motion.  God himself has appraised, confirmed and tested this theory so we can rest assured that its applications work.  For our own confirmation we can simply look at creation to know that God has a handle on “putting things into motion”.   
This particular scripture also says that Death and Destruction have only heard rumors of wisdom and understanding.  Why do you think that is?  Could it be that two very practical God-given instruments, wisdom and understanding, are of no use to Death and Destruction?  Living here on earth we know that to be the case. The bible has capitalized Death and Destruction for surely they are nouns.  I believe that in this scripture these two words are proper names for serious forces at work in this world.  These two forces are the very things that bring us to the end of ourselves. 

 Romans 6:23 says 
“The wages of sin is death
 but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ, Our Lord”. 

The crux of our Christian belief is that this earth and it’s people are in bondage to sin and death is the only way out.  Thankfully, as believers, we have been given a gift that saves us from the decay of this world, eternal life. 

 Romans 8: 20-22 states: 
“For creation was subjected to frustration,
 not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, 
in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay 
and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.  
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth
 right up to the present time.” 

All we need to do is turn on the news and we have evidence of this fact.  The bible says in Proverbs 27: 20 “Death and Destruction are never satisfied, and neither are the eyes of man.”  All we have to do is look at our burdened society to know that this is true.  Solomon states in Ecclesiastes 1:8 “All things are wearisome, more than one can say.  The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear it’s fill of hearing.” All we have to do is look at our TV options to know that this is true.  When the disciples asked Jesus why he spoke in parables He replied in Matthew 13:13 

“This is why I speak to them in parables:
 “Though seeing, they do not see; 
though hearing, they do not hear or understand,…”
 (It seems that even in Jesus’ day people were falling prey to this same issue.)
 OK, what are these scriptures saying?  Many things!  The noise of this world…the blurring of understanding…the weariness on monotony, the acceptance of sin …it blinds our eyes and dulls our hearing to the point that all things become acceptable and nothing is satiable.  Ever so slowly time changes what we see as valuable and our minds are no longer sensitive to the sight and sound of sin.  If we don’t practice seeking heavenly wisdom and godly understanding we lose two of our senses that connect us to God…our hearing and our seeing.   We begin see and hear as the world sees and hears. 

To live on this earth we must seek wisdom and understanding from the heavenly… and to do that we must differentiate what is valuable on earth from what is valuable in heaven.   This world is filled with meaningless, sinful things, and if we’re not careful with our associations, our mouths will be full of idol words… and our hearts will beat for the attainment of the temporary.   Our society has taught and groomed us to search out, go for, and literally build our life-long ambitions on worldly attainment.  We can become very weary, very fast living our lives within the wrong context and/or believing in the wrong value-system.

Do you feel weary?  In what have you placed your faith?  When you closely align yourself with this sinful world you will not sharply hear nor clearly see wisdom… nor fully understand righteousness (that which is right).   When you search this world for happiness and fulfillment you will never find it -for your spirit knows the difference.   Your eyes can scan the horizon for the next fun-filled adventure…and your ears can listen intently for the next opportunity for success…but until you give up the illusion that happiness is within arm’s reach…you’ll never understand wisdom nor face the truth that happiness and godliness are intangibly within.
Matthew 6: 19-21 says:  
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, 
where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, 
where moth and rust do not destroy, 
and where thieves do not break in and steal. 
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” 

This scripture is encouraging us to value things that are worthy of heaven-those things God treasures-namely character and integrity; friendship and love; honesty and devotion; generosity and compassion; wisdom and understanding.

 Only when we open our hearts and minds to the pursuit of God will we find any level of satisfaction as we live our life on earth.  Happiness is not about the tangible but the intangible; it is not about the physical but the spiritual- for earthly treasures will never fulfill us. If we’re honest with ourselves we know this to be true.   With this said, let’s set our eyes, hearts, and ambitions on a different value system.  Scripture says:  “Come out and be separate”….for we have nothing in common with this evil world."  "Pursue God and He will be found by you"…."Draw close to God and He will draw close to you."  Seek wisdom and understanding from their true source, God. Commitment is key…belief is crucial…differentiation mandatory!
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth
 to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”
  II Chronicles 16:9
May your daily strength be found in God!


Song Recommendation:

Here With Me
by:  MercyME


Thursday, March 17, 2011

God is in the Shadows! Page 7

Psalm 91: 1 ”He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
We’ve previously learned how to see God in nature, we’ve learned that God works in our lives even when we cannot see or sense it….and today we will learn that God is there…in the shadows of our lives… as we walk the unknown path darkened with our burdens and concerns.
Today is overcast and dreary, the sky is dark,  and the wind is blowing.  This is how we feel at times when the path of life takes us into the shadows; into the unknown places where the answers to our earthly problems seem hidden; where courage is necessary and  avoiding what is ahead is not an option.  Not long ago I found myself sitting in such a place…. with not one or two stuggles burdening me…but three or four.  I'm sure in your busy life you can relate.  In our modern world…we juggle, we struggle…we try, we strive ….yet even with these efforts the winds of change blow in and cast these shadows…these trials  -for such is the nature of this earthly life. 
Like the breath of life that ebbs and flows, the shadows of life will come and go….and dim the light around us…. just as billowing clouds on an overcast day cast a temporary shadow where we stand.  Within the shadows of life we can attain “a spiritual discipline that will greatly strengthen our faith and establish our spiritual character.”   Finding this discipline is necessary  as we walk through life.  Just “like the fierce winds that calls the might cedars on the mountainside to sink their roots more deeply into the soil”1…. we are called to be deeply rooted in faith and in doing so enable ourselves to endure the darkness that overtakes us as the ever-changing winds  blow. 

Faithfully, we look deep within and find our courage- for it will take us where we must go...and that is forward. As we walk into these mandatory shadows with all the faith and courage we can muster , deep growth takes place; we become rooted, surrendered,  into God’s plan and not even fierce winds will move us because we are prepared for what is ahead-and faith in the Almighty makes this so!  My friend, we must “stop interfering with God’s plans and with His will.  Touching anything of His mars the work.  Moving the hands of a clock to suit you does not change the time.” 2
Not too long ago I faced a “shadow-land”, where loneliness loomed,  I prayed and God answered:
“(I) still have secrets-hidden from “the wise and learned” (Luke 10:21).  Do not fear these unknown things, but be content to accept the things you cannot understand and to wait patiently; in due time (I) will reveal the treasures of the unknown to you-the riches of the glory of the mystery.  Recognize that the mystery is simply the veil covering (my) face.  Do not be afraid to enter the cloud descending on your life, for (I) am in it and the other side is radiant with (my) glory.  “Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you.  But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ” (I Peter 4: 12-13).  When you feel the most forsaken and lonely, (I)  am near.  (I am) in the darkest cloud.  Forge ahead into the darkness without flinching; knowing that under the shelter of the cloud, (I am) waiting for you”3 with the richness of forgiveness, a depth of courage and a vastness of love that will sustain you till the shadow of life has subsided and my light is warming you again.
A Brief Summary:
·         In time God will unveil everything and we will understand our problems and understand the mystery of life itself.
·         Do not be afraid to enter the cloud descending on your life -those issues you struggle with in this world-for God is in them!
·         Do not be surprised at your trials as if something strange (or undeserving) is happening to you. Understand that on this earth Christ suffered and so will we.
·         When you feel the most forsaken and lonely—God is near!
·         Go forward through your pain without flinching (with great courage) knowing that under the shelter of the Cloud God is waiting for you.
Proverbs 25: 2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of Kings”. 
God is mysterious but just like the wind that blows through the cedars, we can feel this power and wisely attribute it to something real but invisible-for it is.

Scriptural tie-in:

The Mystery:  "Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great:  He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory"  I Timothy 3:16

Answer:  Jesus Christ.

Dedicated to Cheryl-who is in the Shadowland for now!
 1 Streams in the Desert
2   Streams in the Desert (March 30th)
3 Streams in the Desert (March 14th)

Monday, March 7, 2011

God is There...Even in Silence! Page 6

 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great
and unsearchable things you do not know”. 
Jeremiah 33:3
 One morning, not long ago, I sat in my daughter’s room waiting for her to get dressed for school.  I prayed and asked God to hold onto me because my faith was floundering.  My husband and I had just closed a business and were facing a difficult road ahead.   I felt emotionally weak and uncertain about many things.  I asked that God  hear my prayers- and show me the way.   I needed some guidance-a specific direction…. I needed to hear from Him…yet more than all of this…I needed to know that God was still there, in the middle of our losses.   This day…I needed God to literally tell me the unsearchable things I did not know.  My heart wearily cried out for answers.  We’ve all been there, haven’t we?
When seeking God we have to listen for His voice using scripture and insight; this is called discernment.  When we feel that God is silent and life is difficult—it’s easy to drop into uncertainty…or hopelessness.  Either way, this place can feel deathly quiet.  In this heavy stillness we don’t sense God…there seems to be no connection with Him.  It’s just too quiet.  Here’s the truth of it:  God works in the spiritual realm…and this is not something that we can always sense.  When quietness engulfs us…faith will sustain us.    In the book of Revelation scripture tells us that in God’s Throne Room there are mighty sounds such as rushing waters and peals of thunder.  These sounds are real-yet we do not hear them.  There is a barrier beyond our senses and these heavenly sounds. 
To continue my story…I prayed that morning….and I asked God to draw close to me.  I took just a few moments in spiritual quietness to call out to God.  I asked Him to speak to me through my Daily Devotional in my favorite book Streams in the Desert.  The date was December 7th.  I went and read it after the kids left for school and a profound revelation washed over me.   The AMAZING lesson for that day was this:  “Don’t look for some outward sign or some visual manifestation of God’s promises being fulfilled”.  God works quietly, even silently, in the unseen realm.  Miraculous healing or some extraordinary deliverance can be accomplished with great victory-in absolute silence”.   Amazing!!!  Ok, it bears repeating….”Amazing”!
Did you see what happened???   On that day- I sat in silence- wondering  if God was indeed aware of my needs.   My faith knew that he was…but my heart and my spirit were quiet.  I didn't see any evidence that my problems were being resolved...and I didn't sense God anywhere near me.   I asked God to reach out to me…I needed some reassurance.   I called out to Him and He quickly answered me using a book written many, many years ago.  God went straight to the point…He reached across those pages and reminded me that silent does not mean absent, that He fulfills His promises…and that we should expect the unexpected.   There are victorious events accomplished in silence… out of earshot…out of eye-sight. 
The answer to my problems seemed unsearchable.  I had no idea how or when these issues would be resolved.   I was indeed looking for an outward sign but God’s voice, on those black and white pages, said to look with Spiritual eyes into the realm of the unseen…. that I did not need an outward sign to be confident that my God was taking care of His own.  His voice said “have faith”, “stand firm”, “wait”.   I was reminded of that fact that God is working...even when we don't feel or see it.   He brought my attention to the unsearchable, undisputable fact….that He is there even when He is silent-when our hearts simply cannot feel his presence.  Could His profound answer to me that day have been any more gracious?
 Do we remember to stand firm in our faith and to draw close to God when our hearts are quiet with an emptiness that tugs at us…or do we assume that God is not there…. or that, perhaps we’ve done something wrong,  let down our guard, dropped our shield of faith, that we’ve walked away from Him, or perhaps that we’re undeserving or even unworthy to be in contact with God…. Or that maybe He’s moved away from us?  Please know that  God is ever-present…and is always with us even when He seems silent.  With our eyes, our ears and our hearts… searching for and finding God is as simple as sincerely whispering the word Lord”.      See James 4: 7-10
Our Life Lesson:    Huge events take place in the spiritual realm unbeknownst to us.  Believe that!  Just because we don’t see, hear or sense God does not mean that He is not there!  God’s voice can be heard just as boldly as nature’s voice, as it silently pours forth speech.   Do you see or hear the mighty force of gravity as earth orbits the sun?  This happens beyond the realm of our hearing...but it happens none the less.   This same extraordinary power is available to us through prayer.  The God that commands the universe hears our prayers.  We simply utter the words and “all of heaven comes to attention to fulfill God’s promises”1    We have access to God’s power and love….and with the igniting of our faith God can bring extraordinary deliverance, in absolute silence.   We must simply PRAY and BELIEVE!

Song Recommendation:
Oh My Soul
By:  Casting Crowns

1-Joel Osteen
Book Recommendation:  Streams in the Desert  By:  L.B. Cowman

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

God's Silent Appeal! Page 5

On page 4 we referenced scripture that states that God is the creator of heaven and earth.  We read scripture that reveals God’s intimate knowledge of His creation and His managerial style regarding its working order.  We also talked about having a “sense” of His presence and the opportunity  to acknowledge God for what and who He is.  Let’s look a little bit more into what scripture says about Nature and it’s revelation of God…
Over the years I’ve had many opportunities to see vast, vast sunrises and sunsets in the Texas sky.  As an airline employee I’ve been subjected to many an early sign-in at the DFW International Airport.  This particular airport sits on a wide-open range of land and the eastern sky is there for the viewing.  I’ve watched the darkness of night slowly fade and the sun gloriously rise on many occasions…and had to admit that getting up before the sun was worth it after all. 
All of us at some point have probably had the pleasure of watching the sunrise. This is a natural daily occurrence; yet even still, it is a breath-taking and awe-inspiring experience.  As sunlight floods over the land, colors paint the sky with unimaginable ease and a new day presents itself in all this majesty. Every morning creation speaks volumes as our massive sun silently rises… and every evening our creator provides an encore as the sun sets—sending rays of light into the stratosphere creating a palette of colors on the edge of western sky.  The sun slowly slips off the horizon as a blanket of stars rise over-head in silent applause!
Scripture says in Psalm 19: 1-4
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
 the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.”

Have you ever heard an inspiring speech?  Did your senses come alive as the words poured over you with such knowledge and understanding that your heart just soared and you possibly rose to your feet in applause?  Our sun gives a daily speech that is so inspiring that in transcends language.  This speech is so powerful that words travel to the ends of the world; this voice goes out into all the earth!  This scripture is basically saying that God has a voice-the silent voice of Creation.   The heavens are the representative of the Creator of the Universe-Almighty God!  Nature is one very distinct way to hear God speak; this voice is visual and sensory!  He can and will speak to us in various other ways as well.   If we’re keen enough to listen… we can be sure that His words will appeal to us specifically, speak to the truth of our situation AND reveal His trust-worthy character—just as the sunrise gloriously reveals  God’s workmanship in the dawn of a new day!  While this earth still spins we can trust that the sun will rise and set daily…and we can trust the character of the One that makes this so.  Allow the nature of God to speak to you today.  Take the opportunity to silently observe the sun set or the moon rise; the snow fall or the rain shower; the stars shine or clouds billow.  Listen to Creation’s daily speech as it silently sends this message to the ends of the earth:  Glory to God”.

God’s silent Appeal:   As you quietly observe nature, you will feel a stirring inside of you.  This is no accident and it is not ironic.  You are meant to sense this.  God wants you to know Him.  His speech is silent…but He speaks.  May we have enough faith and curiosity to listen.

Must Do:  To listen to a Powerfully inspiring speech please go to the link below and listen to:  That's My King.  Do Not miss this opportunity to have words of knowledge and wisdom pour over you. 


Many Blessings!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Seeing God! Page 4

Have you ever sat alone on the ocean shore-listening to the soothing breath of the waves?  The waters inhale and momentarily exhale.  Inhale…then exhale.  It’s as if the ocean’s ebb and flow is the breath of Earth itself.  The inhale and exhale of the tides can quiet our minds in such as way that peace flows through us and mentally alters us.  Our worries fade; our soul becomes quiet and acutely aware.  Our minds admit that something larger is present…and it is.  The vastness of the ocean diminishes our size in such a way that it suctions us to the sand we’re sitting on.  All of the sudden we feel the gravity of our own presence and…. possibly something else. 

 We may be observing the artistry of the sun dawning in all its glory…or watching our surreal moon rise in perfect form sending a path of light across the water.  No matter what time of day or night -when we’re at the ocean something speaks to our senses…and we attribute it to the presence of this vast body of water and the pull it seems to have on us.  Let’s give this presence another name; through nature let me to introduce you to the Living God.
In the book of Job God speaks and reveals His deep understanding of the working order of His physical creation-Earth- and therefore reveals His mind and character.  This amazing revelation is a must-read and can found in Job chapters 38-42.  Here are God’s words from  Job 38: 4-11
“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?  Tell me, if you understand. 
Who marked off its dimensions?  Surely you know!
  Who stretched a measuring line across it?
 On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone-
while the morning stars sang together
 and all the angels shouted for joy? Who shut up the sea behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness,
 when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place,
when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;
here is where your proud waves halt’."
 In Genesis 1:1 God says He created the Heavens and the earth.  Let’s take Him at His word.  Let’s admit that our world, its skies and seas have a working order that did not come from chaos but was designed by THE architect of heaven and earth who is both the creator and the original artist.  He is the 1st scientist and the creator of science; the one who laid the cornerstones of earth and told the seas they could come no further;  the master-mind of our universe and all that is beyond even that. The  living and breathing God. 
If we quiet our doubting hearts enough we can feel Him. If we lift our eyes to the heavens we can see him.  If we listen to the waves inhale and exhale we can sense Him- the very presence  of  God -as He breathes life into our exhausted souls.  It’s so easy to take in the sights and sounds of our natural surroundings and say out loud… “I believe in God”.    Take the opportunity to acknowledge that presence in your soul that whispers “I am who I am”.   Let nature and the natural order of His creation be the gateway to knowing and understanding God -who is not physically visible… but is.
Reference tool:  Do you want to literally see God.  Then I highly recommend you view the video entitled Indescrible By Louie Giglio (available on Youtube/link below).  It will expand your mind as you watch and learn amazing things about our universe and its amazing creator.
May you be blessed beyond your wildest imagination!

Song Recommendation:
BY:  Chris Tomlin
