“It is coming!
It will surely take place declares the Sovereign Lord.
This is the day I have spoken of.”
Ezekiel 39: 8
Written Prophesy; Wisdom from Heaven.
Godly Hierarchy; literal perfection.
The Lord of Hosts speaking to the Last Generation.
Things not understood giving way to Life-everlasting.
Change is coming; His army ready for battle.
The Angels are humming -The Gates shake and rattle.
Warriors powerfully moving back and forth; left and right.
They’ve been ready for centuries to step up and set flight.
They fight in His name -Sin of this world shall fall.
It’s time; it’s been written; They zealously wait for His call.
“Who is, who was and who is to come”.
Ancient things set in motion; as we wait, Angels hum!
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,”
says the Lord God, “who is, and who was,
And who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelations 1:8
“We give thanks to you, Lord
God Almighty, the One who is and who was,
because you have taken your great power
And begun to reign.’
Revelations 11:17
Song Recommendation:
Revelation Song
By: Chris Tomlin featuring Kari Jobe