"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God." I Peter 4: 10-11

Dear Reader- This Blog started in February of 2011 and the pages are numbered. Please begin reading on Page One and continue from there. As you move down the path of the pages it is my hope that scripture astounds you and God, Himself, is revealed.

Scripture confirms that if you acknowledge God as God and draw close to His truths He will draw close to you! As you get to know God through scripture you will begin to see Him work in your life AND hear Him speak to your heart. It is not an audible voice but an inner one-that will change your life on earth...and beyond!

To walk a little deeper each page has a song recommendation that deepens the spiritual lesson. Each song has been specifically chosen and holds a message that should not be missed. If there is not a link to the song on the page, it is recommended that you use iTunes, YouTube or another source to download these songs so that you can move deeper into spiritual truths that the song writers and musicians have creatively written about- for your blessing and God's glory!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Where Do I Find My Worth? Page 50

I will never have enough….and I will never be enough!  The world of advertising and psychology tries to sell us this propaganda EVERYDAY.  Truthfully, there is nothing in this world that will ever fulfill us.  There is nothing in this world that can soothe the ache inside- that we overlook more than we’d care to admit.  We can search in the highest of heights for personal fulfillment: such as fame, wealth, worldly achievement, personal accolades, beauty, the ultimate display of perfection-but that will never be enough. 

We can choose to go to the deepest depths and try to escape the reality that “we are unfulfilled”! In fact, humanity finds many fearful paths into dark places and goes to great lengths to ease the pain of worthlessness:  irresponsibility, moral corruption, sexual escapades, prostitution-of ANYTHING that makes us sacrifice our integrity for gain; drug and alcohol abuse to numb our minds, divorce that devastates our family life, the personal choice to divorce our own soul from our conscious mind so that we feel NOTHING!  Regrettably, once we reach this place the hellish Gates of Consequence are close by!

We can easily find ourselves in front of the Gates of Circumstance by falling prey to envy, jealousy, bitterness, self-pity, stubbornness or obstinance! We can be in the darkest of places and desperately dabble in all of depravity of man for one glaring reason; we don’t know our “worth”!!!  

Compassionately I ask:  Why in the world would we think our worth is found in any of our earthly pursuits?  Why would we think our worth is found on this planet at all!  If we’re insightful, in even the smallest of ways, we can sense- deep in our soul- the scriptural truth that “God has set eternity into the hearts of man”.  This scripture sums up why we have that inner ache for “something more” than we can find on earth!  Through this small yet profound scripture I finally realized that my life is destined for something beyond this world and that my worth is found there!

Like me, you can flounder for years seeking fulfillment in a person, place or thing.  We can waste our entire lives away if we “choose” to be that stubborn.  Thankfully God is patient and kind and He will stand in front of us with the very hope and answer we crave- but we must recognize our need and surrender our aching hearts to God -- who “rises to show us compassion”.  WE have to choose to give up the hunt because the Lord will not coerce.  He will not force us into spiritual “rehab”.  He will simply wait until we decide we’re ready!

Why does he wait like this-almost making it feel as if He is allowing us to go through this suffering? Too many people over-look the simple answer in order to blame God for things….but this same all-knowing God purposely created us with free-will.   If we didn’t have personal control over our own body, mind and our choices…we would basically be a prisoner to circumstance, a slave to God, a minion in this world.  With the amazing gift of free-will, that is unique to man, we have been given the ability to think freely, make personal choices and discern spiritual truths such as this one –but, ironically, we must use this exact free-will and chose to be cognizant of the spiritual side of life in order to appreciate the astounding gift!

Whether we’re sitting in our Ivory Tower looking down on the world, basking in the self-righteousness of our success…. OR whether we’re so close to the Gates of Hell we can smell the stench… that little ache of un-fulfillment is there.  For some of us it’s more prevalent than others.  Recognizing the empty ache for what it is and then turning our face and heart to God is all we need to do to find change….to find hope….to find worth!

We do not have to sacrifice our lives by living in-and-through the Emptiness of Worthlessness until death finally claims us! Our creator, God as already found a way to save us from the decay of this world and he did so in such a way that we could easily relate to it; using a fellow human being named Jesus.  His life-giving teachings and the story of his sacrifice to save us is written down and preserved on ancient documents that now compile the New Testament! Here is but one passage that points out what I am reiterating:

"The God who made the world and everything in it
 is the Lord of heaven and earth
 and does not live in temples built by hands. 
 And he is not served by human hands,
as if he needed anything,
because he himself gives all men life
and breath and everything else.
From one man he made every nation of men, 
that they should inhabit the whole earth;
 and he determined the time set for them 
and the exact places where they should live. 
 God did this so that men would seek him 
and perhaps reach out for him and find him, 
though he is not far from each one of us. 
 For in him we live and move and have our being."
Acts 17: 24-28

 This was written by Luke, who was a Gentile Physician, somewhere between A.D. 63-70.  That is a while back!  There are many ancient Jewish writings in the Old Testament that prophesied that there would be a messiah sent to save the world. The New Testament writings bring the Old Testament prophesies to fruition. The fact that we actually have hard copies of ancient documents and can verify the writings of the Old and New Testament seems, in a way, mind-blowing.  Do you think that it’s accidental that we have ancient writings that show us that there is a spiritual dimension to our lives-and that humanity’s fate, it’s beginning and it’s end, is etched in these writings and within time itself?  Indeed!  

We can study and research Christianity in great detail to find out that spiritual victory over this world and eternal salvation are the ultimate gifts destined for each of us-but with our free-will we must chose to believe it.  With a believing heart we must simply pray: “Open my eyes so that I may see” it!

Yes, Jesus’ death is symbolic.  Literally, it is fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy. Analytically it is an event that seems other-worldly….and spiritually, it is exactly that!  Because of God’s Word we find that anything is possible and nothing is hopeless…..we have already been saved…..we just need to confess it!!!  Here is just one scripture from the New Testament that describes the amazing power of the VICTORY we have:

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors
 through him who loved us. 
For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
 will be able to separate us from the love of God
 that is in Christ Jesus our lord.”
Romans 8:38

This scripture covers everything in creation-including the present and the future! For those of you still living with that ache inside…. Here’s the summation of truth:  Neither the riches and glory found on the highest heights nor the moral despair found in the deepest depths will fill that part inside you that was meant to belong to God.  Nothing you can do will separate you from this fact!  It is an unchangeable truth!  Your inner ache for worth will painfully persist until you chose to rise up a conqueror and find the healing power of God! 

My love, here is my sincere prayer for you:

“For this reason I bow my knee before the Father,
 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named,
 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you
to be strengthened with power through his Spirit
 in your inner being,
 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith-
that you, being rooted and grounded in love,
 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints
 what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge,
 that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
Ephesians 3: 14-19

Song Recommendation:
by:  Anthony Brown


Scriptural Explanation of Humanity’s Plight-

Ephesians 2: 1-5
“As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,
 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world
and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, 
the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
  All of us also lived among them at one time, 
gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature
 and following it’s desires and thoughts.  
Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath (madness). 
But because of his great love for us,
 God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ 
even when we were dead in transgressions—
it is by grace you have been saved.”

Scripture that shows us that there is an all-knowing God
 who is always near us…

“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
If I make my bed in the depths, you are there!
Psalm 139: 7-8

…and scripture that shows us that the Lord
 is compassionate & concerned about us:

“The Lord longs to be gracious to you.
 He rises to show you compassion.
 The Lord is a god of justice.
  Blessed are those who wait on him.”
Isaiah 30:18

Last question:
How do we get to know an ancient, invisible God???
By knowing scripture!


Friday, May 22, 2015


 I look forward to the day I’m released from this bondage –it’s making me crazy.
Obligations seem to never end! My mind is not clear-my vision is hazy.

I wake up in the morning and I think “Here we go again!”
Instead of seeing new opportunities I wonder “Will it ever end?”

I’m chasing dreams, chasing time. Life keeps exploding forward with this loud ticking!
I want to slow down or just stop-but the clock keeps on insisting…

that I keep going, rushing, moving forward! I want to cover all my bases.
It’s hard! Everyone has needs-including me- I’m waiting for a payday.

I look around seeking comfort.  Is there anyone else who sees this?
I wonder if I’m the only one who has it all wrong-or did we ALL miss it.

The goal that we’ve been called to is spiritual peace- but it makes me too quiet.
I think that if I keep on going, one day, I’ll simply acquire it.

A crowd of people filter in and out of my life-I think that they know me.
I stand right in front of them but their eyes seem blank-as if their mind is not free. 

It seems life is like a fairground carousel-it spins and spins- in a circuit.
Like all the rest of us, I think that if I just stay on the ride it’ll all be worth it.

I chose to buy the ticket for that enticing carousel.
I thought it would be a joyride but it's put me through an earthly hell. 

Charmed with lights, music and mirrors I have been willfully held in prison.
My mind is so distracted, Lord-I have forgotten why you have risen.

An Angel of Light can be a delightful deception-
And the world can be a carnival that throws a nice reception.

This world is a spectical and has made me a puppet.
If I would just step away from all this noise I could hush it.

Lord, you say “Come to me all who are burdened and I will give you rest.”
Help me!  Help my unbelief-for I’m tired of this mess.

Round and round in my mind, I go. It’s nothing but a war!
If I could remember that you’ve overcome this world-I could get out of the muck and mar!

I know this world wants to bury me and has already dug the gravesite.
I know these struggles with moral good and universal evil are battling for my birthright!  

I need clarity to remember the depth and height of your importance.
My soul needs to surrender to your mind-bending omnipotence!

I am a spiritual being with a life full of relevance.
I am cloaked in your righteousness; blessed with an inheritance.

Lord, thank you that I am a foreigner living in all the craziness.
You will change all this in a mere moment-including my temporary inhabitance.

Spiritually retreating out of the gates of hell I am no longer afraid and now waiting in faithful expectation.
Soon, you will release us all from this worldly infestation…

…of pain, worry, fear and strife.
The war-worn carnival is closing; I have a ticket home! You’ve saved my life!


Relevant Scriptures:

"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world,
 to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul."
I Peter 2:11

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. “
Matthew 11:28

"Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, 
"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
Mark 9:24

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
 In this world you will have trouble.  But, take heart!
  I have overcome this world.” 
John 16:33

"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
2 Corinthians 11:14

 “Enter through the narrow gate.
 For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction,
 and many enter through it.
 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life,
 and only a few find it.” 
Matthew 7:13-14

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors 
through him who loved us. 
 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, 
neither angels nor demons, 
neither the present note the future, nor any powers, 
neither height nor depth, 
nor anything else in all creation
 will separate us
 from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord."
Romans 8:37-39

"The end of all things is near.  
Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 
 Above all , love each other deeply, 
because love covers over a multitude of sins."
I Peter 4:7-8

"God did not give us the spirit of fear
 but of power, and love and a sound mind."
II Timothy 1: 7

Song Recommendations:
Edge of My Life
BY:  Manafest

By:  Switchfoot

By:  Fireflight

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Assuming the Existence of a Creator! Page 48

Have you ever seen The Whirlpool Galaxy?  Many of us haven't and if it weren't for modern technology, none of us ever would. 

The Whirlpool Galaxy
The Whirlpool Galaxy is an interacting grand-design spiral galaxy with a Seyfert 2 active galactic nucleus in the constellation Canes Venatici.
 It was the first galaxy to be classified as a spiral galaxy. Wikipedia

Distance to Earth: 23,160,000 light years

Click Wikpedia link to view image!

 Here is the definition of a Light Year:

light year
  1. a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 × 1012 km (nearly 6 trillion miles)

    Let's think about that distance for a minute and then marvel that modern science allows us to peer at a galaxy that is so far away from earth that it is almost incomprehensible and then let's baffle over the vastness of what is out beyond our vision and realize we must believe in things we cannot see.  Let's admit that there are places beyond earth and actually beyond our knowledge and understanding that are truly inconceivable!  

Honesty, I enjoy thinking about and writing about things that we cannot see because it opens our minds to the unknown.  For many, God is an unknown.  For all of us God is unseen-except in the recesses of our heart, mind and soul.  Believing in things we cannot see is the catalyst of faith.  Believing by “faith” is the summation of what we do when we believe in something specific but haven’t seen it 1st hand.  I write this in order to share the following quote about a Creator-whom we cannot see-but none-the-less have great evidence of and, therefore, can have reasonable faith in:

“God intends us to enjoy His creation; that’s why it’s beautiful.  We see His wonders above us, beneath us, all around us, even within us.  We’re encircled by an eye-popping, mind-boggling, awe-inspiring cosmos, which logically implies that there’s a Creator who sees, thinks, and inspires awe. The universe is full of pulsating energy, so it’s Maker must be omnipotent”1 (Omnipotent defined: all-powerful or godlike).  “It appears virtually endless, so He must be eternal.  Because it’s finely calibrated, He must be intelligent.  Since it contains life, He must be personal; and since it’s magnificent, He must be altogether lovely.  Assuming the existence of a Creator isn’t a mindless leap of faith; it’s the most reasonable thing in the universe.”2

I love that last sentence.  Believing in God is "the most reasonable thing in the universe." That makes so much sense to me when you look beyond our visible, material world and into  the vastness of the unseen.  If this is too vast of a viewpoint let's scale back to earth's atmosphere for a moment: the simplest of things like a blue sky with white, billowy clouds should give us pause but, because it’s such an everyday visual, it doesn’t.  Frankly, it should for in them we have been given a vision of the magnificence of God. Why do I say that?  Because the Bible says that:

“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
Their words to the ends of the world.”
Psalm 19: 1-4

Song Recommendation:
BY:  Jonathan Thulin

1-Robert Morgan; The Heavens Proclaim His Glory; 2010 Thomas Nelson, Inc.
2-Robert Morgan; The Heavens Proclaim His Glory; 2010 Thomas Nelson, Inc.