"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God." I Peter 4: 10-11

Dear Reader- This Blog started in February of 2011 and the pages are numbered. Please begin reading on Page One and continue from there. As you move down the path of the pages it is my hope that scripture astounds you and God, Himself, is revealed.

Scripture confirms that if you acknowledge God as God and draw close to His truths He will draw close to you! As you get to know God through scripture you will begin to see Him work in your life AND hear Him speak to your heart. It is not an audible voice but an inner one-that will change your life on earth...and beyond!

To walk a little deeper each page has a song recommendation that deepens the spiritual lesson. Each song has been specifically chosen and holds a message that should not be missed. If there is not a link to the song on the page, it is recommended that you use iTunes, YouTube or another source to download these songs so that you can move deeper into spiritual truths that the song writers and musicians have creatively written about- for your blessing and God's glory!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hiding The Reality of God Page 38

My goal in each of these blog pages is to share how God reveals Himself to us-how He works in our lives on this side of heaven.  I write a lot about how it’s difficult for us humans to spiritually lift the veil that impedes our view of the heavenly place where God dwells.  I do so because I too have an issue even finding that veil…much less peaking behind it.

 I search as if I’m hunting for hidden treasure when seeking God’s voice because it’s not audible; and when seeking God’s hand-because His physical work usually appears to simply be irony; and when seeking God’s grace-because this shameful world doesn’t want its inhabitants to know that grace is available and forgiveness is allowed.  The ruling authorities here, whether it is the “spiritual forces in heavenly realms” or the human beings that act as political advocates for sin don’t want God’s gifts of mercy and grace to be received-in fact they don’t want us to believe that God exists at all.  With this said, there are too many mental obstacles for the material man to move into the spiritual realm:  shame, oppression, disappointment, unbelief, the pain of sorrow, the skepticism of life on earth, the atmosphere of hostility toward belief in an eternal God.  On and on we find that God’s existence, much less His presence, is blocked; politically, socially, mentally….spiritually. 

With the world as it is, we Christians seem to want to blend in; to hide the fact that we believe in a living God who created the universe and all material things.  We allow the world of science, sin and politics to have their way.  We must not kid ourselves any longer; the “forces that be” want to silence the faithful and we assist in hiding the reality of God and in diminishing the authenticity of holy manuscripts when we sit back and watch as anything and everything is taken advantage of-particularly moral boundaries and Christian ethics.  Ever think of it that way?

The God-created conscious mind, that science cannot explain, fails to have a conscience when we silence the voice of God by blending in and gagging ourselves. Scripture tells us to “come out and be separate” because we have nothing in common with this world (II Corinthians 6:14-17).   To be separate means to be distinct, clear, apparent, or conspicuous.  We are also told, in the Bible, to speak boldly….but we are doing nothing of the kind.  Politics has seeped into the Christian community and has influenced us instead of us being the  Light of Influence.  Political Correctness is now on The Throne and it appears that all of mankind worships there and follows its decrees. 

As Christians we are taught, by none less that Jesus himself, that we are salt and light to this world (Matthew 5:13-14).  What does that mean?  Exactly what it says:  we are a salt or a “preservative” for this dying world….and we are light or a revealing source of life that puts a “spot-light” on truth, including moral truth.  I admit this with remorse, but, shame on us!  It seems the light of the tolerant, liberals and atheists shines brighter than that of God’s people!  I’m not saying that those who follow the path of tolerance are bad people.  But, if we know God’s Word then we know there is a catch.  Scripture teaches that even Satan masquerades as an Angel of Light  (II Corinthians 11:14).  This means that even though something looks “good” in the light of what we humans deem as “good” it may be disguised to deceive and mislead.

 Indeed, this happens all the time. There’s a sales tactic that describes this to a “T” and is aptly named Bait and Switch.  There are political activists that work in Washington D.C. that base their entire agenda on this premise.  One prime example in the political world of budgeting is known as “pork”.   This is a “tactic” in which our elected officials literally hide (or add in) money for their special projects into a bill that would otherwise be good for our country…but in reality is NOT because it is full of unnecessary spending.  Then when other colleagues vote against the bill because of the hidden funding they are ostracized for not supporting the original intent of the bill.  For example the original bill for financial support of Hurricane Sandy victims was full of pork and didn’t pass, to the demise those in need. Talk about masquerading as an Angel of Light!!!  

You may be wondering why I’ve stepped into the realm of politics.   The reason politics and the Demise of God are linked is because our lawmakers set the course of our lifestyles via the laws they pass.  The more lawmakers use tolerance to form our laws the more we move away from God’s laws and with that- Man rules himself and has effectively removed God from His Throne.  This fact delights many in this great land because they have moved away from God and have been blinded to truth.  (See Romans 1: 28-32)

Moving back from politics to us personally I’d like to ask those people out there who are “tolerant” so as to be “kind” a question:  Is moral and absolute truth able to change for the simple purpose of being “kind”?  We can be compassionate without changing our beliefs.  Jesus never wavered or changed His teachings in order to blend in or align Himself with the politics of the day….nor should we!  In fact, if we are trying to follow Jesus’ teachings and model His character we would never change our beliefs so that we “don’t offend” anyone! 

Here is some straight-forward reasoning for all of us:  Truth is truth- and that never changes.  Right and wrong do have distinct meanings and their definition cannot change to fit the desires of society.  Desperately I surmise that if we allow this to continue to take place then social degeneration will unweave the human tapestry till we’re a tattered mess of unjust, unfit, fugitives who have deserted morals and truth for our own selfish desires or lack of concern.  What then????

Scriptural References:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
 against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 6:12

“And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” 
II Corinthians 11:14

“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.
 Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,
because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:38

Song Recommendation:
You Reign
BY:  MercyMe

Friday, April 5, 2013

Deep Calling Deep Page 37

In stillness, have you ever sat in the Holy Chamber we call the Sanctuary and felt that something other than your own emotions were present?  During times like these our hearts are doing something contrary to its normal physical function and it will press into the spiritual realm in order to feel and sense God.  It takes the ability to truly transcend earth’s distractions to spiritually draw open the veil that separates this world with the other -and momentarily step into the spiritual. 

During this time God’s holiness stirs us in a distinct way…and He draws close to us with an overwhelming feeling that is indescribable.    God may graciously pierce our hearts till our pain is released to get our attention.  Or, He may even allow our hearts to burst inside our chest so that everything we’ve held in confidence flows out through merciful tears.  This is the closest we get to our Lord and His compassion on this side of heaven—a brief moment of deep calling deep; the God of all the ages touching His creation!

 During this summit with our spiritual God we become overwhelmed and allow emotions to pour forth ….and then we pull ourselves back together knowing we’ve just  glimpsed the presence of Almighty God.  My question on behalf of all humanity is this:  Why the brevity, Lord?”  This spiritual encounter with God’s presence is too brief a time to spend in the midst of holiness. There are so many times I need more than just a few moments of deep peace and reconciliation.   It’s as if heaven’s doors had opened to pour forth graciousness and love and then….it’s politely closed again. 

I pondered why the Lord conceals Himself from us?  Wouldn’t it be easier to just let us see Him!  But, instead, we’re left within the realm of earth’s constraints and the spiritual side of things remains a mystery.  He knows we struggle with evil, pain and loss and that the earth and its inhabitants are in great need ….yet there is silence.  We studied this in another blog writing….but scripture says that there such a thing as Holy Silence. 

“The Lord is in His holy Temple
Let the earth be silent before Him.”
Habakkuk 2:20

Still my question persists:  Why the barrier between this physical world and the spiritual realm?  My only answer is that the saga of this age must be played out as written.  We actually have authentic prophesy in Revelations that lets us know that, indeed, there will be a final curtain call and a showdown more spectacular than  anything the earth has ever seen….and when all is said and done this earth will be no more.  I mean, don’t you find that world news is, at this very moment, setting the stage?   It’s obvious that humanity has its part to play.  The premise, via scripture and world politics, indicates that evil will not give up its domain too easily.  World History has already documented that evil requires a great deal of drama to conquer.  Scripture prophetically confirms and concludes this in the Book of Revelations!  It seems that it will take the demise of the earth and the end of the age for man to admit there is a God!

Alas and along these lines, I read a great analogy and it goes something like this:  Just as Shakespeare is not a character in his own play ….neither is God a visible character within the daily lives of humanity.  He is our author and creator but He is not visible because He operates from a different realm.  We must trust the author and finisher of our faith and what is written in our holy text… then in conclusion believe that God exists.  The narrative we must get over is the fact that we cannot see God from within our world- but with one huge exception; by intellectually admitting that creation had a creator.  We then go forth on faith and trust that our astute God will allow our world to spin on and our roles to play out as written- due to His expert authorship and ultimate dominion over Planet Earth!

“Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,
 who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12: 1-2

Song Recommendation:

Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)
BY:  Chris Tomlin